
Humor in storytelling

Humour best taken seriously

In a world where pressure is high and negativity sometimes seems to prevail, The House of Coaching offers a breath of fresh air with its unique programme: "Discover the power of humour."

What do we offer?

Our programme is designed to support individuals, teams and organisations to discover and develop their sense of humour. Through a series of dynamic and interactive formats - from keynote presentations and workshops to team-building activities and personal coaching - we dive deep into the world of humour to reduce stress, strengthen relationships and cultivate a positive work environment.

The role of visualisation!

A unique aspect of our offering is the integration of visualisation and drawing as tools to explore and apply humour. Through creative exercises, participants will learn how to visualise and express humorous concepts, which not only stimulates creativity but also contributes to the ability to approach problems in a light-hearted and innovative way. 

Experiential learning at The House of Coaching 

The House of Coaching stands for experiential learning. As a participant, you continuously engage with theory through practical, experiential exercises that teach you to apply your skills in real situations. We facilitate the learning process through maximum interaction and sharing of experiences. That's learning that really sticks!

Would you like to develop these 21st Century Skills in your people, team or organisation?
Then get in touch and we'll work out a programme together!

Program category
Program type
Program languages
Number of participants
6 - 12