Leading Team Diversity
Leading Team Diversity

Leading Team Diversity

Skill Sprint - Leadership & Talent Empowerment Month

In our working environments, diversity is not only a reality but also a source of strength. Effectively managing a team with different generations, cultures and backgrounds is crucial for success.

Imagine a work environment where diversity is celebrated. Where every team member feels valued and understood. Our Skill Sprint 'Team Diversity' is designed to give you the skills needed to navigate and leverage this rich mosaic.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand and manage the dynamics of diverse teams.
  • Create a harmonious, productive and innovative working environment.


  • Generational leadership: Communicating and collaborating with team members of different ages.
  • Cultural intelligence: Understanding how cultural differences affect the workplace and creating an inclusive environment.
  • Diversity in skills and talents: Recognise and leverage the unique skills and talents of each team member.
  • Gender diversity: Awareness and approaches to gender equality and diversity.
  • Differences in educational attainment and ethnicity: Building a cohesive team regardless of background.

Experiential learning at The House of Coaching

Our Skill Sprints are designed to give you not only knowledge but also practical skills. You learn by doing, with interactive exercises and real-life scenarios.

Month theme: Leadership & Talent Empowerment Month

This Skill Sprint is part of our 'Leadership & Talent Empowerment Month', aimed at strengthening leadership skills and leveraging talents in various teams.

Strengthen your team with diversity

Register for the Skill Sprint 'Team Diversity' and become a leader who embraces and leverages diversity for a stronger, more effective team.

Program type
Event type
Event language(s)
Organised by
Start date(s)
Number of modules
Time open
09:00 am
Time start
09:00 am
Time end
10:30 am
Price (excl. VAT)
Price (incl. VAT)