
Self-confidence & Imposter Syndrome

Self-confidence for personal and professional growth

From 'imposter syndrome' to self-confidence

Have you ever felt like an imposter? Or afraid of being 'exposed' for not knowing enough? You're certainly not the only one. 'Imposter syndrome' can keep you from seizing opportunities and showing all you have to offer. However, developing self-confidence allows you to embrace mistakes or negative feedback and turn them into inspiration to seize more opportunities and overcome challenges.

Self-confidence and dealing with 'imposter syndrome'

In this workshop, you will learn the characteristics of imposter syndrome, the realisation that these feelings are normal, ways to manage them and ultimately how to use self-confidence to build real self-confidence. After this training, you will be able to develop a more optimistic mindset and reduce feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.

Learning programme

  • Characteristics of Imposter Syndrome: Learn to recognise the signs and symptoms.
  • Dealing with Imposter Syndrome: Discover ways to manage these feelings.
  • Developing Self-Confidence: Learn how to cultivate self-confidence.
  • Applicate Self Confidence: Use your new mindset to face and overcome challenges.

Experiential Learning at The House of Coaching

The House of Coaching stands for experiential learning. As a participant, you continuously engage with theory through practical, experiential exercises that teach you to apply your skills in real situations. We facilitate the learning process through maximum interaction and sharing of experiences. That's learning that really sticks!

Self-confidence for your team

Are you an HR officer, L&D manager, supervisor or business leader who wants to foster a culture of growth and self-confidence within your organisation? Then get in touch to organise this workshop for your team.

Self-confidence & Imposter Syndrome

Would you like to develop these 21st Century Skills for your people, team or organisation? 
Then get in touch with us and we'll work out a programme together!

Program category
Program type
Program languages
Number of modules
Number of participants
6 - 12