Imagine if facilitating meetings felt like playing an engaging and challenging game. A game in which every participant plays an important role, where creativity and cooperation are the plaything and where rules of the game ensure a structured and enjoyable experience. In this game of facilitation lie the keys to effective and successful meetings. Let's discover together why the game as metaphor is such a powerful tool to address the challenges of facilitation.
The Players
You are a player, an important link in the success of any meeting. But you are not alone! Every participant is a valuable player, with unique talents and perspectives. Witness the power of collective intelligence as each player contributes to the game of ideas, solutions and creative breakthroughs.
The Game Ball
Get your creativity rolling! Discover the many props and tools you can use to increase the energy and momentum in the meeting. From colourful post-its to innovative technologies, these playballs allow you to bounce ideas, share insights and encourage collaboration.
The Rules of the Game
Rules provide structure and freedom within the game. Discover how clear and shared ground rules create a safe environment where every player can make their voice heard. Let the rules of the game lay the foundation for respectful communication, equal participation and the achievement of common goals.
The Goal of the Game
What is your game purpose? Every meeting has a specific purpose - whether it is to find innovative solutions, make important decisions or promote team building. Define the purpose of the game and let it act as a compass that sets the direction of the meeting.
The Scoreboard
Track progress and celebrate successes! Let a visual scoreboard be your guide as you play the game. See how ideas grow, decisions are made and goals are achieved. The scoreboard keeps the energy high and gives you a tangible way to measure the progress of the game.
Beginning, middle and end. Like any game, a meeting has its own rhythm. Manage the timing carefully to ensure that each phase gets sufficient attention. Create space for moments of reflection, inspiration and collaboration. The game of facilitation is an unfolding adventure where every second counts.
The Game Leader
You are the game leader, the conductor of this dynamic game. Take the lead and create an atmosphere of trust and enthusiasm. Guide the players, facilitate discussions and help them reach their potential. With your leadership and facilitation skills, you will turn every meeting into an unforgettable gaming experience.
The Playing Field
Time, space and boundaries form the playing field on which the game is played. Create an environment that invites creativity and collaboration. Think comfortable spaces, inspiring visuals and a clear framework in which the magic of the game can take place.
The metaphor of the game not only provides insight during the actual meeting, but can also be a valuable tool when preparing your session. It allows you to adopt the right mindset and identify and plan the necessary elements. Just like preparing for a game, as a facilitator you think about the players, the rules of the game, the goal, the scoreboard, the timing, the game management and the playing field.
When preparing your session, focus on understanding the players: who are they, what are their needs and goals, and how can you best engage and support them? Think about the attributes and tools you want to use as playing balls to inspire participants and encourage interaction.
In addition, the game metaphor helps you clearly define the rules of the game. Think about what guidelines and expectations you want to set to create a positive and productive environment. Also ask yourself: what is the specific purpose of the game? What do you want to achieve with the meeting and how can you best communicate and pursue this goal?
Furthermore, you can plan the timing of the session as a series of game stages, ensuring a balanced distribution of time between different activities. Consider what visual aids you can use as scoreboards to track the progress of the game and show participants where they are in the process.
Finally, as a facilitator, position yourself as the game leader who runs the session. Think about the role you want to play and the skills you want to use to guide, motivate and inspire participants.
Applying the game metaphor while preparing your session will help you lay a solid foundation and anticipate potential challenges. It enables you to create a structured and engaging meeting in which players are challenged, engaged and motivated to achieve great results together.
So let's play the game together, in which the players shine, the ball keeps moving, the rules guide the game, the goal is clear, the scoreboard tracks progress, timing determines the magic, you are the game leader and the playing field provides the space for inspiration and innovation. Prepare for a gaming experience that transforms your meetings and opens the way to extraordinary results.