slim omgaan met technologie
slim omgaan met technologie

Getting Smart with Technology

Tips to reduce risk of cyber attacks to near zero

Find out how to use computers and smartphones safely and smartly!

Welcome to the ultimate pocket guide to a secure digital experience! In our hyper-connected world, it is essential to know how to protect yourself and your data from online threats. This handy guide is your ally in safely navigating the digital jungle, whether you are a seasoned tech user or just starting out.

What does this guide offer?

Safe Browsing

Learn how to browse safely with tips on avoiding harmful sites, pop-ups, cookies and more.

Find out how to surf incognito and why a VPN software is a smart choice for extra privacy.

Phishing & Social Engineering

Understand the mechanisms behind social engineering and phishing and learn how to protect yourself from these insidious attacks.

Find out what to look out for to identify suspicious emails and messages.

Strong Passwords

Learn how to create and manage strong passwords and passphrases.

Discover why multifactor authentication provides a powerful extra layer of security.

Working from home

Gain insight into the key aspects of working safely at home, including updating your computer, the importance of antivirus software and sharing devices securely.

Smartphones and Tablets

Get valuable tips on using smartphones and tablets safely, including the importance of lock screens and avoiding unsafe apps and messages.

Safely Connecting to the Internet and Other Devices

Learn how to make secure connections over different networks, includaing wired, wireless and mobile data connections.

Discover how to safely use Bluetooth, USB sticks and SD cards without putting your data at risk.

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