Non-verbal communication

Non-Verbal Communication

Meta-communication in all aspects

We've all experienced it: that awkward silence during a conversation, where you wonder what the other person is thinking. Or that meeting where someone says everything is fine, but their body language screams the opposite. Non-verbal communication is a powerful tool that is often overlooked, but it forms a large part of our daily interactions.

Non-verbal communication

In this workshop, you will learn to identify and effectively use different types of non-verbal communication, both online and in face-to-face interactions. You will be equipped with the skills needed to be aware of your own non-verbal cues and interpret those of others.

What You Learn

  • Awareness of non-verbal cues: Learn how to read and use facial expressions, gestures and body language.
  • Space awareness: Understand how the physical distance between people affects their interactions.
  • Effective interaction: Practice using non-verbal cues to enhance your communication.


  • Increased self-awareness and understanding of others.
  • Improved communication and relationships.
  • More effective and efficient interactions.

Experiential Learning at The House of Coaching

The House of Coaching stands for experiential learning. As a participant, you continuously engage with theory through practical, experiential exercises that teach you to apply your skills in real situations. We facilitate the learning process through maximum interaction and sharing of experiences. That's learning that really sticks!

Your Next Step

Are you an HR officer, L&D manager, supervisor or business leader looking to improve non-verbal communication within your team? Contact us to organise this workshop for your team.

Non-Verbal Communication

Would you like to develop these 21st Century Skills for your people, team or organisation? 
Then get in touch with us and we'll work out a programme together!

Program type
Program languages
Number of modules
Number of participants
6 - 12