Skill Sprint - Shiny Goals
Skill Sprint - Shiny Goals

Shiny Goals

"Many teams and organizations struggle with setting clear, motivating objectives. Without inspiring goals, the sense of team can wane, leading to reduced motivation and results. Discover how to tackle this!

Many teams and organisations struggle with setting clear, motivating goals. Without inspiring goals, team spirit can slacken, leading to reduced motivation and results.

The lack of 'shiny goals' - goals that are attractive and challenging - can lead to a lack of direction and enthusiasm. This can result in declining team spirit and productivity.

This skill sprint focuses on creating 'shiny goals': setting attractive, measurable and achievable goals that motivate and unite teams. Learn effective communication techniques to get everyone on board with your vision.


  1. The Art of Setting 'Shiny Goals': Techniques for setting inspiring goals.
  2. Measuring is Knowing: Tools and methods for measuring progress and success.
  3. Communication strategies: How to communicate goals in a way that inspires and motivates the team.
  4. Storytelling and Team Engagement: Creating a story around your goals to increase team engagement.
  5. Workshop: Putting together an action plan for your team.

Unique Learning Approach from 'The House of Coaching':

  • Interactive workshops with practical exercises.
  • Personal and group coaching for deep understanding and application.
  • Focus on innovative and creative approaches to goal setting.

Month theme: 'Leadership & Team Empowerment Month':

  • Highlighting the importance of strong, motivating goals for leadership development and team empowerment.
  • Strengthening team dynamics through shared 'shiny goals'.

Are you ready to lead your team to new heights with 'shiny goals'? Sign up now for our skill sprint and transform the way your team pursues and achieves goals. Register soon, as places are limited!

Program type
Event type
Event language(s)
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Start date(s)
Time open
09:00 am
Time start
09:00 am
Time end
10:30 am
Price (excl. VAT)
Price (incl. VAT)